CT Angiography in Stroke Neuroimaging Workshop

22 Aug 2024

100% Online

Level II - General radiologist

3 EACCME CME Credits

Follow Dr. Goddard, an experienced CT angiography and passionate speaker as he walks you through some of the commonly seen conditions and some more complex imaging patterns of acute stroke treatment.

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CT angiography is a complex investigation used increasingly for a variety of acute and chronic neurological conditions.

Using examples based on many years of experience of CT angiography, Dr Goddard will go through some of the commonly seen conditions and some more complex imaging patterns that will increase confidence on reporting these investigations in support of acute stroke treatment.

This course is to aid the general radiologist to interpret complex imaging where they are under pressure to deliver a very quick report turnaround

Online workshops are recorded so that participants can review on their own time following the training.

This workshop is organised by TMC Academy, an EACCME Trusted Provider.

Learning objectives

  • Understand stroke physiology and angiographic anatomy
  • Common patterns of intracranial and carotid vessel occlusion
  • Understand importance of collateral flow and how this can relate to clinical outcomes after acute stroke treatment

Programme will include

  • Overview of CT angiographic anatomy
  • Case examples to illustrate common patterns, pitfalls and hints and tips to aid image interpretation.


Level II - General radiologist

Technical requirements

The training platform runs entirely in the browser but the online PACS places a considerable load on the hardware and internet connection when viewing and loading cases.

Hardware Tablets * Minimum Recommended
Memory (RAM): 2 Gigabyte 8 Gigabyte 16 Gigabyte
Processor (CPU): Dual core 1.85 Ghz Dual core 2 Ghz Quad core 2.5 Ghz
Internet connection Minimum Recommended
Speed: 10 Mbps 25 Mbps
Software Tablets Desktop
Browser: Safari * Chrome **
  • * Tested with Safari on iPad 9.7 (2017), should also work on Android with Chrome. User interface not optimized for smaller screens. Large cases (more than 600 images) are not able to be opened on tablet or mobile devices due to memory constraints.
  • ** Firefox, Edge and Safari also work but might not provide an equally smooth experience. Internet Explorer is not supported.


  • Tony Goddard M.D.
    United Kingdom

    Consultant Neuroradiologist at General Infirmary at Leeds.

    Dr Goddard qualified in Leeds in 1991. He trained in radiology in Leeds and neuroradiology in Newcastle UK, and interventional neuroradiology (INR) in Newcastle. and Perth, Australia. He initially worked as a consultant in Nottingham and then set up the INR service in Leeds in 2005. His main interested are in stroke and aneurysm management, AI in neurovascular imaging and teaching.


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Thursday - August 22nd 2024
13:00 - 13:10 (GMT +0200) Introduction and Overview Introduction
13:10 - 14:00 (GMT +0200) Stroke pathophysiology, vascular anatomy, CTA technique, assessing image quality, interpretation of CT Lecture Tony Goddard
14:00 - 14:10 (GMT +0200) Break Break
14:10 - 15:00 (GMT +0200) Patterns of vascular occlusion: (i) Intracranial (ii) Carotid (iii) Basilar Lecture Tony Goddard
15:00 - 15:10 (GMT +0200) Break Break
15:10 - 16:00 (GMT +0200) Collateral assessment, extracting additional information, introduction to basic CT perfusion and how this relates to anatomy occlusion patterns. Lecture Tony Goddard
16:00 - 16:10 (GMT +0200) Break Break
16:10 - 16:40 (GMT +0200) Interesting cases with discussion Case demo Tony Goddard
16:40 - 17:00 (GMT +0200) Q&A and wrap up Lecture Tony Goddard

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TMC Academy offers a 7-day money back guarantee from the moment of the online fellowship purchase. 

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Send us an email at academy.info@telemedicineclinic.com and we will process your refund.