ONLINE Brain Tumours Imaging Fellowship

28 - 30 Oct 2024

100% Online

Level II - General radiologist

10.5 EACCME CME Credits

Save €200 - Limited Time Deal! ⏳ This brain imaging course is run by an experienced Neuroradiologist Dr. Cem Çalli who will present several lectures on brain tumours (gliomas) over 3 half-days. Following the lectures, you will get the chance to look at interesting clinical cases brought by Dr. Çalli and engage in group discussion and read-outs.

Limited Time Deal Save €200.00 - Valid until: 2024-09-30
€1000 €800
Bundle: Registration + Subscription Get a Premium subscription & save money
Save €400.00 - Valid until: 2024-09-30
€1600 €1200


Brain tumours are encountered commonly by radiologists who are dealing with General Radiology during their routine real life work up. Sometimes it is easy to establish the right diagnosis, but sometimes it is challenging.

This brain imaging course will cover almost all tumours inside the skull and especially intends to give Radiologists the right tools to make the differential and correct diagnosis of a tumour. Follow-up imaging in glial tumours may also be troublesome in many cases and this topic will be discussed in all aspects to build a guide for all attendees when reporting the follow-up of brain tumour cases.

The advantages of each imaging technique in the differential diagnosis of brain tumours will be presented in detail. The case discussions will help attendees to understand how to approach brain tumour cases and will improve their skills for the future when reporting real –life daily cases. The case discussions will include some common and uncommon cases, but each one of them will have a message for the attendees in order to help them improve their experience on brain tumour imaging.

At the completion of the course each attendee will for sure feel more confident in reporting brain tumours.

The fellow will be provided with the reporting templates and referring questionnaire, developed by the mentor. Up-to-date international recommendations, protocols, patient information and some newest, practical scientific articles would also be shared with the participants.

TMC Academy online radiology courses are held in a virtual classroom environment on Zoom. Participants are encouraged to engage in discussions making use of their camera and microphone in order to recreate the face-to-face experience.

In this small group environment among your peers, you are free to ask questions, make mistakes, and learn together with the support of the radiologist mentor.

TMC Academy is an EACCME Trusted Provider.


"It was a great experience joining this fellowship, enjoyed every session and cases discussion.”
Dr. Ahmed Wafaie MD FRCR, Consultant radiologist (Fellow, Oct 2023)

"I really enjoy the course over past three days. Professor Cem is an excellent teacher; he is so knowledgeable yet so humble. The content of teaching was concise, relevant and practical to daily reporting. I learnt a lot of great tips and tricks from Professor Cem. The interactive case-based discussion is extremely useful to reinforce our understanding and memory. Thank you very much, Professor Cem and the organizer!”
Dr. Sau Lee Chang, Consultant Radiologist, London (Fellow, May 2023)

"An extremely useful course with an excellent and kind mentor, who gave an invaluable summary of brain tumors and was always keen to answer any question regarding this rather difficult topic of neuroradiology. Cem also provided a light and cheerful atmosphere, in which it was easier to learn.”
Dr. Georgina Gati, Consultant Radiologist, Telemedicine Clinic (Fellow, Oct 2022)

Learning objectives

  • To become familiar with imaging findings of posterior fossa and supratentorial tumours
  • To be able to make the differential diagnosis in brain tumours
  • To understand the advantages of different kinds of imaging modalities in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of brain tumours
  • To identify the different types of changes in brain tumour patients after postoperative / posttreatment follow-up

Programme will include

  • Lectures on imaging techniques in different kinds of brain tumours
  • Individual practice interpretation and reading provided cases.
  • Group case discussion
  • Question and answer session with specialised radiologist mentor
  • Access to presentation slides, session recordings, and other course materials
  • CME certificate of attendance - EACCME CME Accreditation Submitted


Level II - General radiologist

Group Discounts for Radiology Education
TMC Academy is happy to offer group discounts to support radiology education within hospitals or practices. Please email us at for details.

Technical requirements

The training platform runs entirely in the browser but the online PACS places a considerable load on the hardware and internet connection when viewing and loading cases.

Hardware Tablets * Minimum Recommended
Memory (RAM): 2 Gigabyte 8 Gigabyte 16 Gigabyte
Processor (CPU): Dual core 1.85 Ghz Dual core 2 Ghz Quad core 2.5 Ghz
Internet connection Minimum Recommended
Speed: 10 Mbps 25 Mbps
Software Tablets Desktop
Browser: Safari * Chrome **
  • * Tested with Safari on iPad 9.7 (2017), should also work on Android with Chrome. User interface not optimized for smaller screens. Large cases (more than 600 images) are not able to be opened on tablet or mobile devices due to memory constraints.
  • ** Firefox, Edge and Safari also work but might not provide an equally smooth experience. Internet Explorer is not supported.


  • Cem Çalli M.D.
    İzmir, Turkey

    Head of Neuroradiology Section in Ege University Medical Faculty since 2009

    Dr. Cem Çallı is working as a Neuroradiologist since 1995. He is currently Secretary General of Turkish Society of Neuroradiology, President Elect of European Society of Emergency Radiology, Board Member of of European Board of Neuroradiology and Treasurer of European Society of Neuroradiology. He is an experienced lecturer and gave hundreds of lectures on Neuroradiology in many international meetings.


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Add all events to calendar
Monday - October 28th 2024
13:30 - 13:45 (GMT +0100) Introduction to online course and technical tools Introduction Cem Çalli
13:45 - 14:30 (GMT +0100) Overview of WHO classification and introduction to imaging techniques in brain tumours Lecture Cem Çalli
14:30 - 14:45 (GMT +0100) Break Break
14:45 - 15:30 (GMT +0100) Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of supratentorial intraaxial brain tumours Lecture Cem Çalli
15:30 - 17:15 (GMT +0100) Individual case reading followed by case discussion Case demo Cem Çalli
17:15 - 17:30 (GMT +0100) Q&A Cem Çalli
Tuesday - October 29th 2024
13:30 - 14:00 (GMT +0100) Posterior fossa intraaxial tumors Lecture Cem Çalli
14:00 - 15:00 (GMT +0100) Post-operative / post-treatment follow-up in glial tumors Lecture Cem Çalli
15:00 - 15:15 (GMT +0100) Break Break
15:15 - 17:15 (GMT +0100) Individual case reading followed by case discussion Case demo Cem Çalli
17:15 - 17:30 (GMT +0100) Q&A Cem Çalli
Wednesday - October 30th 2024
13:30 - 14:00 (GMT +0100) Meningioma and other extraaxial brain tumors Lecture Cem Çalli
14:00 - 15:00 (GMT +0100) Differential diagnosis of cerebellopontine angle, sellar / suprasellar, intraventricular and pineal region tumors Lecture Cem Çalli
15:00 - 15:15 (GMT +0100) Break Break
15:15 - 17:15 (GMT +0100) Individual case reading followed by case discussion Case demo Cem Çalli
17:15 - 17:30 (GMT +0100) Q&A & wrap-up Cem Çalli

Cancellation Policy

What is the cancellation/refund policy?

TMC Academy offers a 7-day money back guarantee from the moment of the online fellowship purchase. 

How do I request a refund?

Send us an email at and we will process your refund.