3 - 5 May 2021

100% Online

Level III - Subspecialisation training

12 EACCME CME Credits

The purpose of this Online Fellowship is to discuss a range of specific MSK topics, highlighting the important items that are essential when answering physician’s questions that are key for a patient’s management. This advanced course will be based on the individual reading and following group discussion of clinical cases and will be accompanied by relevant lectures on the specific topic including the relevant anatomy, the differential diagnosis and how to optimize the protocols.

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The Advanced MSK Online Fellowship will be taught across 3 days from 15.30pm to 20pm (CET). The advanced program includes highly-specific daily programs that have been included to make a big difference on your radiological report.

The course will be based on around an individual and group case review followed by short lectures.

The first day will include some difficult topics on the foot and ankle such as the high ankle sprain, midtarsal sprain, different type of ankle impingement and the differential diagnosis of metatarsalgia.

The second day will look at some specific problems on the instable and microinstable shoulder together with the new concepts on the rotator cuff that should be reported following ISAKOS classification system.

The last day we will cover some specific problems of the knee that are frequently overlooked on radiological reports such as the posterior corners of the knee and the different types of meniscal tears following the ISAKOS system.

In addition, we will review important incidental findings, pseudo tumours and tumours found on joint MRI studies that radiologists should be aware of, in order to avoid important mistakes. We will also review normal variants that look pathological and some frequent benign tumours that might be as frequent as incidental findings, among others. Moreover we will emphasize which radiological findings indicate to us the more aggressive lesions.

With a limited number of 15 radiologists in this Online Fellowship, you will enhance and strengthen your own and each other’s knowledge in structured musculoskeletal MRI reading. Through the use of the ‘Zoom’ platform, interactivity will be established, and the use of a webcam is encouraged to enhance the creation of a virtual reading room. After the case reading sessions you will keep access to the cases.

If this Online Fellowship has been successful it will have provided you with knowledge that can help you address your normal clinical challenges, as well as future pursuits.

Learning objectives

  • Upgrade your knowledge of some specific MSK problems
  • Become familiar with frequent benign lesions and when aggressive lesions should be suggested
  • Discriminate normal bone and soft tissue variants from pathology
  • Learn to do a structured report emphasizing those important key points for patient’s management

Programme will include

  • Lectures on specific clinical problems on the ankle and foot; shoulder; knee; and tumours and pseudotumours
  • Individual reading of selected cases with group case discussion


Level III - Subspecialisation training
Intermediate to advanced level, for radiologists with some Musculoskeletal MRI experience

Technical requirements

The training platform runs entirely in the browser but the online PACS places a considerable load on the hardware and internet connection when viewing and loading cases.

Hardware Tablets * Minimum Recommended
Memory (RAM): 2 Gigabyte 8 Gigabyte 16 Gigabyte
Processor (CPU): Dual core 1.85 Ghz Dual core 2 Ghz Quad core 2.5 Ghz
Internet connection Minimum Recommended
Speed: 10 Mbps 25 Mbps
Software Tablets Desktop
Browser: Safari * Chrome **
  • * Tested with Safari on iPad 9.7 (2017), should also work on Android with Chrome. User interface not optimized for smaller screens. Large cases (more than 600 images) are not able to be opened on tablet or mobile devices due to memory constraints.
  • ** Firefox, Edge and Safari also work but might not provide an equally smooth experience. Internet Explorer is not supported.


  • Eva Llopis M.D.
    Valencia, Spain

    Chief of Radiology department of Hospital de la Ribera in Valencia and of IMSKE (European Musculoskeletal Institute) in Valencia, Spain

    Dr Eva Llopis is active in various professional organizations including ISS, ESR, ESSR, ESMRMB, SERME, SERAM and Erasmus. Pass president of SERME (Spanish MSK society) and president elect of ESSR (European Society of Skeletal Radiology). Research focus is on joint disease, sports medicine and interventional MSK radiology. She has received numerous prices and regularly lectures at international meetings. She has published chapters in MSK books and has more than 50 peer reviewed articles.


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Monday - May 3rd 2021
13:30 - 13:40 (GMT +0200) Introduction and welcome Introduction
13:40 - 14:30 (GMT +0200) Trauma of the ankle & midfoot discussion on 2 cases Case demo
14:30 - 15:00 (GMT +0200) MRI of the ankle & midfoot sprain and trauma Lecture Eva Llopis
15:00 - 15:15 (GMT +0200) Break Break
15:15 - 15:45 (GMT +0200) Deformities and degeneration of the ankle and midfoot cases Case demo
15:45 - 16:15 (GMT +0200) MRI of the flat foot and deformities Lecture Eva Llopis
16:15 - 16:45 (GMT +0200) Metatarsalgia cases Case demo
16:45 - 17:00 (GMT +0200) Metatarsalgia Lecture Eva Llopis
17:00 - 18:00 (GMT +0200) Tumours and pseudotumours I (lower leg) case based Case demo
Tuesday - May 4th 2021
13:30 - 13:45 (GMT +0200) Questions and answers
13:45 - 14:15 (GMT +0200) Shoulder dislocation and instability Case demo
14:15 - 14:45 (GMT +0200) Bone lesions on the shoulder dislocation: how to measure bone defects Lecture Eva Llopis
14:45 - 15:00 (GMT +0200) Break Break
15:00 - 15:15 (GMT +0200) Shoulder pain in the athlete Case demo
15:15 - 15:30 (GMT +0200) Shoulder external impingement, posterosuperior impingement Lecture Eva Llopis
15:30 - 16:30 (GMT +0200) Shoulder rotator cuff Case demo
16:30 - 17:00 (GMT +0200) How to do a shoulder Rotator Cuff report following ISAKOS classification Lecture Eva Llopis
17:00 - 17:15 (GMT +0200) Elbow pain Case demo
17:15 - 17:45 (GMT +0200) MRI of the elbow Lecture Eva Llopis
Wednesday - May 5th 2021
13:30 - 13:45 (GMT +0200) Questions and answers
13:45 - 14:15 (GMT +0200) High energy trauma of the knee Case demo
14:15 - 14:45 (GMT +0200) Knee dislocation: spectrum of lesions Lecture Eva Llopis
14:45 - 15:00 (GMT +0200) Break Break
15:00 - 15:15 (GMT +0200) Meniscal lesions Case demo
15:15 - 15:30 (GMT +0200) How to do an MRI of a meniscal tear following ISAKOS classification Lecture Eva Llopis
15:30 - 16:30 (GMT +0200) Knee pain without trauma Case demo
16:30 - 17:00 (GMT +0200) Bone marrow edema Lecture Eva Llopis
17:00 - 17:45 (GMT +0200) Tumours and pseudotumours II (upper extremity) case based Case demo
17:45 - 18:00 (GMT +0200) Final questions, summary and closing remarks

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TMC Academy offers a 7-day money back guarantee from the moment of the online fellowship purchase. 

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