ONLINE Cervical and Lumbar Spine Fellowship - degenerative diseases

13 - 15 Sep 2021

100% Online

Level II - General radiologist

9 EACCME CME Credits

This online fellowship covers key topics related to MRI of lumbar and cervical spine degenerative diseases and provides key concepts to standardize the MRI reports. The course will provide you with an in depth description of the nomenclature and classification of degenerative discal disease, as well as a review of the concepts of vertebral osteochondrosis, spondylosis, facetary degeneration, degenerative stenosis (central, lateral recesses, foraminal), and spondylolisthesis.

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Too late? Join us on our next Online edition of this course with Dr. Laura Oleaga from 16-18 October 2023 Cervical and Lumbar Spine MRI Fellowship - Degenerative Diseases!

Radiologists, general practitioners, rheumatologists, traumatologists, neurologists and neurosurgeons who would like to become more confident on reporting degenerative spine MRI will find this fellowship very useful.

The Online Spine MRI fellowship that TMC Academy offers includes an overview of the main indications of MRI in spine degenerative disease. We will discuss MRI findings of the lumbar and cervical spine with a lecture, followed by individual case reading with subsequent group discussion.

Each module starts with a lecture. After the lecture you will be challenged with practicing on real anonymised key cases from the TMC Academy teaching file. After the individual case readings there will be an additional lecture followed by a ‘Questions and Answers’ session.

Learning objectives

  • Upgrade your knowledge by immersion in a learning environment without distraction of daily practice to read degenerative spine MRI
  • Become familiar and feel confident with the MRI findings in spine degenerative disease as encountered in daily practice
  • To define the differentiating imaging features of pathologic processes and to create clinically relevant structured reports

Programme will include

  • Lectures on standardized reading degenerative spine MRI studies for diagnosis with quiz cases
  • Individual case reading on provided cases
  • Group case discussion of the reported cases
  • Access to the spine modules from our Image Reporting Simulator to practice with key cases (prior the start of the course).


Level II - General radiologist
Radiologists, general practitioners, rheumatologists, traumatologists, neurologists and neurosurgeons with the aim of having more in-depth knowledge of the MRI findings in spine degenerative diseases will benefit most from the fellowship.

Technical requirements

The training platform runs entirely in the browser but the online PACS places a considerable load on the hardware and internet connection when viewing and loading cases.

Hardware Tablets * Minimum Recommended
Memory (RAM): 2 Gigabyte 8 Gigabyte 16 Gigabyte
Processor (CPU): Dual core 1.85 Ghz Dual core 2 Ghz Quad core 2.5 Ghz
Internet connection Minimum Recommended
Speed: 10 Mbps 25 Mbps
Software Tablets Desktop
Browser: Safari * Chrome **
  • * Tested with Safari on iPad 9.7 (2017), should also work on Android with Chrome. User interface not optimized for smaller screens. Large cases (more than 600 images) are not able to be opened on tablet or mobile devices due to memory constraints.
  • ** Firefox, Edge and Safari also work but might not provide an equally smooth experience. Internet Explorer is not supported.

Featured video


  • Laura Oleaga M.D. Ph.D.
    Barcelona, Spain

    Chief Radiologist at Hospital Clinic Barcelona section of Neuroradiology. Associate Professor of Radiology at the University of Barcelona

    Dr Oleaga has significant experience both as a radiologist and in medical education. She is the former Chair of the European Society of Radiology (ESR) education committee. Currently, she is the Scientific Director of the European Radiology Diploma (EDIR), and since 2009 Chair of the Radiology Department at University Hospital Clinic (Barcelona, Spain). Her main scientific interests lie in the fields of neuroradiology and head and neck imaging. She has authored and co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed scientific papers and seven book chapters. She is also an active teacher at many prestigious universities, scientific meetings and courses. The European Board of Radiology has established the Prof. Laura Oleaga Educational Grant to honour Prof. Laura Oleaga for her well-known academic excellence and dedication to radiology education. In addition to her depth of knowledge and experience in the field, she is also a passionate speaker and teacher, eager to guide radiologists in their subspecialisation.


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Monday - September 13th 2021
13:30 - 13:45 (GMT +0200) Introduction to the online course and technical tools Introduction Laura Oleaga
13:45 - 14:45 (GMT +0200) MRI technique and artifacts Lecture Laura Oleaga
14:45 - 15:00 (GMT +0200) Break Break Laura Oleaga
15:00 - 15:30 (GMT +0200) Anatomy of the spine Lecture Laura Oleaga
15:30 - 16:15 (GMT +0200) Individual case reading
16:15 - 17:15 (GMT +0200) Reporting with the mentor & case discussion Case demo Laura Oleaga
17:15 - 17:30 (GMT +0200) Q&A time Laura Oleaga
Tuesday - September 14th 2021
13:30 - 14:30 (GMT +0200) Degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine Lecture
14:30 - 15:15 (GMT +0200) Individual case reading
15:15 - 16:15 (GMT +0200) Reporting with the mentor & case discussion Case demo Laura Oleaga
16:00 - 16:15 (GMT +0200) Break Break Laura Oleaga
16:15 - 17:15 (GMT +0200) Degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine Lecture Laura Oleaga
17:15 - 17:30 (GMT +0200) Q&A time Laura Oleaga
Wednesday - September 15th 2021
13:30 - 14:30 (GMT +0200) MRI in the evaluation of low back pain Lecture Laura Oleaga
14:30 - 15:15 (GMT +0200) Individual case reading
15:15 - 16:15 (GMT +0200) Reporting with the mentor & case discussion Case demo Laura Oleaga
16:00 - 16:15 (GMT +0200) Break Break Laura Oleaga
16:15 - 17:15 (GMT +0200) MRI evaluation in neck pain Lecture Laura Oleaga
17:15 - 17:30 (GMT +0200) Summary and closing remarks Laura Oleaga

Cancellation Policy

What is the cancellation/refund policy?

TMC Academy offers a 7-day money back guarantee from the moment of the online fellowship purchase. 

How do I request a refund?

Send us an email at and we will process your refund.