ONLINE Whole Body MRI in Multiple Myeloma Fellowship

2 - 4 Nov 2021

100% Online

Level III - Subspecialisation training

12 EACCME CME Credits

This 3-day online fellowship covers key topics related to whole body MRI in myeloma and provides basic and early advanced knowledge. Lectures will be followed by reading on selected cases with subsequent group discussion.

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Radiologists who are new to or would like to become more confident on reporting whole body MRI will find the fellowship useful.

The online whole body MRI in myeloma fellowship that TMC academy offers includes an overview of the main indications to perform whole body MRI in myeloma; implementation and reporting; applications from diagnosis through to surveillance, response assessment and restaging.

Each module starts with a lecture. After the lecture you will be challenged with practicing on real anonymised key cases from the TMC academy teaching file.

Learning objectives

  • Understand current international guidance and evidence for use of whole body MRI in myeloma
  • Become familiar and feel confident with basic and early advanced whole body MRI in myeloma as encountered in daily practice
  • Discriminate common variants from pathology to avoid pitfalls
  • Learn to construct an adequate report through structured reporting

Programme will include

  • Lectures on evidence and guidelines; implementation and reporting; Normal findings and pitfalls; indications from diagnosis and beyond; future horizons.
  • Individual reading on provided cases. Access to the cases will be provided one week prior to the course.
  • Group case discussion of the reported cases.


Level III - Subspecialisation training
Radiologists with little or with early advanced knowledge in whole body MRI in myeloma will benefit most from the fellowship.

Technical requirements

The training platform runs entirely in the browser but the online PACS places a considerable load on the hardware and internet connection when viewing and loading cases.

Hardware Tablets * Minimum Recommended
Memory (RAM): 2 Gigabyte 8 Gigabyte 16 Gigabyte
Processor (CPU): Dual core 1.85 Ghz Dual core 2 Ghz Quad core 2.5 Ghz
Internet connection Minimum Recommended
Speed: 10 Mbps 25 Mbps
Software Tablets Desktop
Browser: Safari * Chrome **
  • * Tested with Safari on iPad 9.7 (2017), should also work on Android with Chrome. User interface not optimized for smaller screens. Large cases (more than 600 images) are not able to be opened on tablet or mobile devices due to memory constraints.
  • ** Firefox, Edge and Safari also work but might not provide an equally smooth experience. Internet Explorer is not supported.


  • Christina Messiou M.D.
    London, United Kingdom

    Consultant Radiologist and lead for myeloma imaging at The Royal Marsden Hospital, London and Reader at The Institute for Cancer Research.

    Dr Messiou is an experienced educator and speaker on the subject of whole body MRI for patients with myeloma. She is widely published on the subject and lead author for the MY-RADS international consensus document. She is a theme lead for the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at the Royal Marsden and Institute of Cancer Research, an elected fellow of the International Cancer Imaging Society, 2014 Royal College of Radiologists Roentgen Professor and 2019 Royal College of Radiologists/NIHR Clinical Research Network Outstanding Clinical Radiology Researcher.

  • Dow-Mu Koh M.D.
    London, United Kingdom

    Consultant Radiologist at The Royal Marsden Hospital, London and Professor at The Institute for Cancer Research.

    Professor Koh is an expert in functional imaging and a pioneer in diffusion weighted MRI and whole-body MRI. He is an experienced speaker, course organiser and he lectures regularly at international conferences and courses. He is lead for the NIHR Clinical Research facility at the Royal Marsden, an elected fellow of the International Cancer Imaging Society from whom he received a gold medal in recognition of his outstanding contribution, 2013 Barclay Medal recipient and associate editor for Radiology (2011-2019).


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Tuesday - November 2nd 2021
13:30 - 13:50 (GMT +0100) Introduction and technical demonstration Introduction Christina Messiou
Dow-Mu Koh
13:50 - 14:50 (GMT +0100) Evidence and guidelines for WBMRI in myeloma Lecture Christina Messiou
14:50 - 15:50 (GMT +0100) Implementation and reporting of WBMRI Lecture Christina Messiou
15:50 - 16:05 (GMT +0100) Break Break
16:05 - 16:50 (GMT +0100) WBMRI: normal findings, artefacts and pitfalls Lecture Dow-Mu Koh
16:50 - 18:05 (GMT +0100) Case review (1) Case demo
Wednesday - November 3rd 2021
13:30 - 14:30 (GMT +0100) Diagnosis of myeloma: How to assess and report Lecture Christina Messiou
14:30 - 16:00 (GMT +0100) Case review (2) [Diagnosis] Case demo Christina Messiou
16:00 - 16:15 (GMT +0100) Break Break
16:15 - 18:15 (GMT +0100) Case review (3) [Diagnosis, imaging comparisons] Case demo Dow-Mu Koh
Thursday - November 4th 2021
13:30 - 14:00 (GMT +0100) Follow-up of myeloma: How to assess and report? Lecture Christina Messiou
14:00 - 15:30 (GMT +0100) Case review (4) [response assessment] Case demo Christina Messiou
15:30 - 15:45 (GMT +0100) Break Break
15:45 - 17:15 (GMT +0100) Case review (5) [disease relapse] Case demo Dow-Mu Koh
17:15 - 17:45 (GMT +0100) Future horizons, quantitative WB MRI Lecture Dow-Mu Koh
17:45 - 18:00 (GMT +0100) Summary and closing remarks

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What is the cancellation/refund policy?

TMC Academy offers a 7-day money back guarantee from the moment of the online fellowship purchase. 

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